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Plot attributes configure plot layout and scales, including resulting axes and legends. Attributes are included as plot directives, in the form of functions that take either a literal attribute value or a Param as input.

In addition to value arrays, scale domain attributes accept a Fixed symbol. This setting indicates that the scale domain should first be determined by the data, but should then be held fixed across subsquent data updates. A fixed domain will remain stable, preventing "jumps" in a display that might hamper interpretation of changes.

For additional documentation of scale attributes, see the corresponding Observable Plot documentation.

Plot Attributes

  • name(value): Set a globally unique name by which to refer to the plot.
  • style(value): Set CSS styles to apply to the plot output.
  • width(value): Set the plot width in pixels, including margins.
  • height(value): Set the plot height in pixels, including margins.
  • margin(value): Sets all margins to the same value in pixels.
  • marginLeft(value): Set the left plot margin in pixels.
  • marginRight(value): Set the right plot margin in pixels.
  • marginTop(value): Set the top plot margin in pixels.
  • marginBottom(value): Set the bottom plot margin in pixels.
  • margins(value): Set plot margins in pixels, using an object of the form {left, right, top, bottom}. Margins omitted from the object are not set.
  • align(value): Set the plot alignment.
  • aspectRatio(value): Set the plot aspect ratio.
  • inset(value): Set the plot insets in pixels.
  • axis(value): Set a global setting for including axes.
  • grid(value): Set a global setting for including grid lines.
  • label(value): Set a global setting for axis labels.
  • padding(value): Set the axis padding across all axes.
  • round(value): Set axis roundings across all axes.

x Scale Attributes

  • xScale(value): Set the scale type, such as "linear", "log", etc.
  • xDomain(value): Set the scale domain.
  • xRange(value): Set the scale range.
  • xNice(value): Set if the scale domain should have "nice" (human-friendly) end points.
  • xInset(value): Set the scale insets in pixels.
  • xInsetLeft(value): Set the left inset in pixels.
  • xInsetRight(value): Set the right inset in pixels.
  • xClamp(value): Set if the scale should clamp out-of-domain values.
  • xRound(value): Set if the scale should round output values to the nearest pixel.
  • xAlign(value): Set the axis alignment: where to distribute points or bands (0 = at start, 0.5 = at middle, 1 = at end).
  • xPadding(value): Set the axis padding (for band or point scales).
  • xPaddingInner(value): Set the axis inner padding (for band or point scales).
  • xPaddingOuter(value): Set the axis outer padding (for band or point scales).
  • xAxis(value): Set the axis position ("top" or "bottom") or hide the axis (null).
  • xTicks(value): Set the approximate number of ticks to generate, or interval, or array of values.
  • xTickSize(value): Set the axis tick size.
  • xTickSpacing(value): Set the the approximate number of pixels between ticks (if xTicks is not specified).
  • xTickPadding(value): Set the axis tick padding.
  • xTickFormat(value): Set the axis tick format.
  • xTickRotate(value): Set the axis tick rotation.
  • xGrid(value): Set if the axis should include grid lines.
  • xLine(value): Set if the axis should includes a line on the plot edge.
  • xLabel(value): Set the axis label.
  • xLabelAnchor(value): Set the axis label anchor ("left", "center", "right").
  • xLabelOffset(value): Set the axis label offset in pixels.
  • xFontVariant(value): Set the axis label font variant.
  • xAriaLabel(value): Set the axis ARIA label for accessibility.
  • xAriaDescription(value): Set the axis ARIA description for accessibility.
  • xReverse(value): Set if the range should be reversed.
  • xZero(value): Set the domain to always include zero.

y Scale Attributes

  • yScale(value): Set the scale type, such as "linear", "log", etc.
  • yDomain(value): Set the scale domain.
  • yRange(value): Set the scale range.
  • yNice(value): Set if the scale domain should have "nice" (human-friendly) end points.
  • yInset(value): Set the scale insets in pixels.
  • yInsetTop(value): Set the top inset in pixels.
  • yInsetBottom(value): Set the bottom inset in pixels.
  • yClamp(value): Set if the scale should clamp out-of-domain values.
  • yRound(value): Set if the scale should round output values to the nearest pixel.
  • yAlign(value): Set the axis alignment: where to distribute points or bands (0 = at start, 0.5 = at middle, 1 = at end).
  • yPadding(value): Set the axis padding (for band or point scales).
  • yPaddingInner(value): Set the axis inner padding (for band or point scales).
  • yPaddingOuter(value): Set the axis outer padding (for band or point scales).
  • yAxis(value): Set the axis position ("left" or "right") or hide the axis (null).
  • yTicks(value): Set the approximate number of ticks to generate, or interval, or array of values.
  • yTickSize(value): Set the axis tick size.
  • yTickSpacing(value): Set the the approximate number of pixels between ticks (if yTicks is not specified).
  • yTickPadding(value): Set the axis tick padding.
  • yTickFormat(value): Set the axis tick format.
  • yTickRotate(value): Set the axis tick rotation.
  • yGrid(value): Set if the axis should include grid lines.
  • yLine(value): Set if the axis should includes a line on the plot edge.
  • yLabel(value): Set the axis label.
  • yLabelAnchor(value): Set the axis label anchor ("top", "middle", "bottom").
  • yLabelOffset(value): Set the axis label offset in pixels.
  • yFontVariant(value): Set the axis label font variant.
  • yAriaLabel(value): Set the axis ARIA label for accessibility.
  • yAriaDescription(value): Set the axis ARIA description for accessibility.
  • yReverse(value): Set if the range should be reversed.
  • yZero(value): Set the domain to always include zero.

color Scale Attributes

  • colorScale(value): Set the scale type, such as "linear", "log", etc.
  • colorDomain(value): Set the scale domain.
  • colorRange(value): Set the scale range.
  • colorClamp(value): Set if the scale should clamp out-of-domain values.
  • colorNice(value): Set if the scale domain should have "nice" (human-friendly) end points.
  • colorScheme(value): Set the named color scheme to use.
  • colorInterpolate(value): Set a custom color interpolation function.
  • colorPivot(value): Set the pivot value for diverging color scales.
  • colorSymmetric(value): Set the domain to be symmetric around a pivot.
  • colorLabel(value): Set the scale label.
  • colorReverse(value): Set if the range should be reversed.
  • colorZero(value): Set the domain to always include zero.
  • colorTickFormat(value): Set the legend tick format.

opacity Scale Attributes

  • opacityScale(value): Set the scale type, such as "linear", "log", etc.
  • opacityDomain(value): Set the scale domain.
  • opacityRange(value): Set the scale range.
  • opacityClamp(value): Set if the scale should clamp out-of-domain values.
  • opacityNice(value): Set if the scale domain should have "nice" (human-friendly) end points.
  • opacityLabel(value): Set the scale label.
  • opacityReverse(value): Set if the range should be reversed.
  • opacityZero(value): Set the domain to always include zero.
  • opacityTickFormat(value): Set the legend tick format.

r Scale Attributes

  • rScale(value): Set the scale type, such as "linear", "log", etc.
  • rDomain(value): Set the scale domain.
  • rRange(value): Set the scale range.
  • rClamp(value): Set if the scale should clamp out-of-domain values.
  • rNice(value): Set if the scale domain should have "nice" (human-friendly) end points.
  • rLabel(value): Set the scale label.
  • rZero(value): Set the domain to always include zero.

length Scale Attributes

  • lengthScale(value): Set the scale type, such as "linear", "log", etc.
  • lengthDomain(value): Set the scale domain.
  • lengthRange(value): Set the scale range.
  • lengthClamp(value): Set if the scale should clamp out-of-domain values.
  • lengthNice(value): Set if the scale domain should have "nice" (human-friendly) end points.
  • lengthZero(value): Set the domain to always include zero.

fx Scale Attributes

  • fxDomain(value): Set the scale domain.
  • fxRange(value): Set the scale range.
  • fxInset(value): Set the scale insets in pixels.
  • fxInsetLeft(value): Set the left inset in pixels.
  • fxInsetRight(value): Set the right inset in pixels.
  • fxRound(value): Set if the scale should round output values to the nearest pixel.
  • fxAlign(value): Set the axis alignment: where to distribute points or bands (0 = at start, 0.5 = at middle, 1 = at end).
  • fxPadding(value): Set the axis padding (for band or point scales).
  • fxPaddingInner(value): Set the axis inner padding (for band or point scales).
  • fxPaddingOuter(value): Set the axis outer padding (for band or point scales).
  • fxAxis(value): Set the axis position ("top" or "bottom") or hide the axis (null).
  • fxTickSize(value): Set the axis tick size.
  • fxTickPadding(value): Set the axis tick padding.
  • fxTickFormat(value): Set the axis tick format.
  • fxTickRotate(value): Set the axis tick rotation.
  • fxGrid(value): Set if the axis should include grid lines.
  • fxLabel(value): Set the axis label.
  • fxLabelAnchor(value): Set the axis label anchor ("left", "center", "right").
  • fxLabelOffset(value): Set the axis label offset in pixels.
  • fxFontVariant(value): Set the axis label font variant.
  • fxAriaLabel(value): Set the axis ARIA label for accessibility.
  • fxAriaDescription(value): Set the axis ARIA description for accessibility.
  • fxReverse(value): Set if the range should be reversed.

fy Scale Attributes

  • fyDomain(value): Set the scale domain.
  • fyRange(value): Set the scale range.
  • fyInset(value): Set the scale insets in pixels.
  • fyInsetTop(value): Set the top inset in pixels.
  • fyInsetBottom(value): Set the bottom inset in pixels.
  • fyRound(value): Set if the scale should round output values to the nearest pixel.
  • fyAlign(value): Set the axis alignment: where to distribute points or bands (0 = at start, 0.5 = at middle, 1 = at end).
  • fyPadding(value): Set the axis padding (for band or point scales).
  • fyPaddingInner(value): Set the axis inner padding (for band or point scales).
  • fyPaddingOuter(value): Set the axis outer padding (for band or point scales).
  • fyAxis(value): Set the axis position ("top" or "bottom") or hide the axis (null).
  • fyTickSize(value): Set the axis tick size.
  • fyTickPadding(value): Set the axis tick padding.
  • fyTickFormat(value): Set the axis tick format.
  • fyTickRotate(value): Set the axis tick rotation.
  • fyGrid(value): Set if the axis should include grid lines.
  • fyLabel(value): Set the axis label.
  • fyLabelAnchor(value): Set the axis label anchor ("left", "center", "right").
  • fyLabelOffset(value): Set the axis label offset in pixels.
  • fyFontVariant(value): Set the axis label font variant.
  • fyAriaLabel(value): Set the axis ARIA label for accessibility.
  • fyAriaDescription(value): Set the axis ARIA description for accessibility.
  • fyReverse(value): Set if the range should be reversed.

Facet Attributes

  • facetMargin(value): Set all four facet margins.
  • facetMarginTop(value): Set the facet top margin.
  • facetMarginBottom(value): Set the facet bottom margin.
  • facetMarginLeft(value): Set the facet left margin.
  • facetMarginRight(value): Set the facet right margin.
  • facetGrid(value): Set if grid lines should be drawn for each facet.
  • facetLabel(value): If null, disable default facet axis labels.

Projection Attributes

For more on projections, see the Observable Plot projection documentation.

  • projectionType(value): Set the projection type, such as "mercator", "orthographic".
  • projectionParallels(value): Set the standard parallels (for conic projections only).
  • projectionPrecision(value): Set the sampling threshold.
  • projectionRotate(value): Set a two- or three- element array of Euler angles to rotate the sphere.
  • projectionDomain(value): Set a GeoJSON object to fit in the center of the (inset) frame.
  • projectionInset(value): Set the inset to the given amount in pixels when fitting to the frame (default zero).
  • projectionInsetLeft(value): Set the inset from the left edge of the frame (defaults to projectionInset).
  • projectionInsetRight(value): Set the inset from the right edge of the frame (defaults to projectionInset).
  • projectionInsetTop(value): Set the inset from the top edge of the frame (defaults to projectionInset).
  • projectionInsetBottom(value): Set the inset from the bottom edge of the frame (defaults to projectionInset).
  • projectionClip(value): Set the projection clipping method. One of: "frame" or true (default) to clip to the extent of the frame (including margins but not insets), a number to clip to a great circle of the given radius in degrees centered around the origin, or null or false to disable clipping.


Interval interactors are not currently supported when cartographic projections are used.