SQL query builders. These utilities build structured representations of queries that are easier to create, manipulate, and analyze.
For example, here is a basic group-by aggregation query that counts the number of records and adds up values by category:
import { Query, count, gt, sum } from "@uwdata/mosaic-sql";
// SELECT "column", count() AS "count", sum("value") AS "value"
// FROM "table" WHERE "value" > 0 GROUP BY "column"
.select("category", { count: count(), sum: sum("value") })
.where(gt("value", 0))
Here is an overview of available methods:
.with(/* a map of named common table expression queries */)
.select(/* column names or name -> expression maps */)
.distinct(/* boolean to denote distinct values only */)
.from(/* source table names or subqueries */)
.sample(/* number of rows or % to sample */)
.where(/* filter criteria */)
.groupby(/* columns or expressions to group by */)
.having(/* post-aggregation filter criteria */)
.window(/* named window definitions */)
.qualify(/* post-window filter criteria */)
.orderby(/* columns or expressions to sort by */)
.limit(/* max number of rows */)
.offset(/* offet number of rows */)
To learn more about the anatomy of a query, take a look at the DuckDB Select statement documentation.
The top-level Query
class, along with its concrete SelectQuery
and SetOperation
subclasses, provide structured representations of SQL queries. Upon string coercion, these objects produce a complete SQL query string.
The following static methods create a new SelectQuery
and invoke the corresponding method:
In addition, the following static methods take multiple queries as input and return SetOperation
: Union results with de-duplication of rows.Query.unionAll(...queries)
: Union results with no de-duplication of rows.Query.intersect(...queries)
: Query for distinct rows that are output by both the left and right input queries.Query.except(...queries)
: Query for distinct rows from the left input query that aren't output by the right input query.
Common table expressions can be applied via static method
: See thewith
method below.
Each of the methods described above can also be utilized in conjunction with a WITH clause. For example, Query.with().select()
results in a SelectQuery
, whereas Query.with().union()
will produce a SetOperation
To instead create a query for metadata (column names and types), pass a query to the static describe
: Request a description of the columns that a query will produce, with one row per selected column.
Return a new query that is a shallow copy of the current instance.
The subqueries
getter property returns an array of subquery instances, or an empty array if there are no subqueries. For selection queries, the subqueries may include common table expressions within WITH
or nested queries within FROM
. For set operations, the subqueries are the set operation arguments.
Coerce this query object to a SQL query string.
Select columns and return this query instance. The expressions argument may include column name strings, column
references, and maps from column names to expressions (either as JavaScript object
values or nested key-value arrays as produced by Object.entries
Indicate the tables to draw records from and return this query instance. The tables may be table name strings, queries or subquery expressions, and maps from table names to expressions (either as JavaScript object
values or nested key-value arrays as produced by Object.entries
Provide a set of named subqueries in the form of common table expressions (CTEs) and return this query instance. The input expressions should consist of one or more maps (as JavaScript object
values) from subquery names to query expressions and/or CTE instances produced by the cte
SelectQuery.distinct(value = true)
Update the query to require DISTINCT
values and return this query instance.
SelectQuery.sample(size, method)
Update the query to sample a subset of rows and return this query instance. If size is a number between 0 and 1, it is interpreted as a percentage of the full dataset to sample. Otherwise, it is interpreted as the number of rows to sample. The method argument is a string indicating the sample method, such as "reservoir"
, "bernoulli"
and "system"
. See the DuckDB Sample documentation for more.
Update the query to additionally filter by the provided predicate expressions and return this query instance. This method is additive: any previously defined filter criteria will still remain.
Update the query to additionally group by the provided expressions and return this query instance. This method is additive: any previously defined group by criteria will still remain.
Update the query to additionally filter aggregate results by the provided predicate expressions and return this query instance. Unlike where
criteria, which are applied before an aggregation, the having
criteria are applied to aggregated results. This method is additive: any previously defined filter criteria will still remain.
Update the query with named window frame definitions and return this query instance. The expressions arguments should be JavaScript object
values that map from window names to window frame definitions. This method is additive: any previously defined windows will still remain.
Update the query to additionally filter windowed results by the provided predicate expressions and return this query instance. Use this method instead of where
to filter the results of window operations. This method is additive: any previously defined filter criteria will still remain.
Update the query to additionally order results by the provided expressions and return this query instance. This method is additive: any previously defined sort criteria will still remain.
Update the query to limit results to the specified number of rows and return this query instance.
Update the query to offset the results by the specified number of rows and return this query instance.