Top-Level | Data Types | Schema | Table | Column |
# tableFromIPC(data[, options])
Decode Apache Arrow IPC data and return a new Table
. The input binary data may be either an ArrayBuffer
or Uint8Array
. For Arrow data in the IPC ‘stream’ format, an array of Uint8Array
values is also supported.
| Uint8Array
| Uint8Array[]
): The source byte buffer, or an array of buffers. If an array, each byte array may contain one or more self-contained messages. Messages may NOT span multiple byte arrays.ExtractionOptions
): Options for controlling how values are transformed when extracted from an Arrow binary representation.
): If true, extract 64-bit integers as JavaScript BigInt
values. Otherwise, coerce long integers to JavaScript number values (default false
): If true, extract dates and timestamps as JavaScript Date
objects. Otherwise, return numerical timestamp values (default false
): If true, extract decimal-type data as scaled integer values, where fractional digits are scaled to integer positions. Returned integers are BigInt
values for decimal bit widths of 64 bits or higher and 32-bit integers (as JavaScript number
) otherwise. If false, decimals are converted to floating-point numbers (default).boolean
): If true, extract Arrow ‘Map’ values as JavaScript Map
instances. Otherwise, return an array of [key, value] pairs compatible with both Map
and Object.fromEntries
(default false
): If true, extract Arrow ‘Struct’ values and table row objects using zero-copy proxy objects that extract data from underlying Arrow batches. The proxy objects can improve performance and reduce memory usage, but do not support property enumeration (Object.keys
, Object.values
, Object.entries
) or spreading ({ ...object }
). Otherwise, use standard JS objects for structs and table rows (default false
).import { tableFromIPC } from '@uwdata/flechette';
const url = '';
const ipc = await fetch(url).then(r => r.arrayBuffer());
const table = tableFromIPC(ipc);
# tableToIPC(table[, options])
Encode an Arrow table into Arrow IPC binary format and return the result as a Uint8Array
. Both the IPC ‘stream’ and ‘file’ formats are supported.
): The Arrow table to encode.object
): Encoding options object.
): Arrow 'stream'
(the default) or 'file'
format.import { tableToIPC } from '@uwdata/flechette';
const bytes = tableFromIPC(table, { format: 'stream' });
# tableFromArrays(data[, options])
Create a new table from a set of named arrays. Data types for the resulting Arrow columns can be automatically inferred or specified using the types option. If the types option provides data types for only a subset of columns, the rest are inferred. Each input array must have the same length.
object | array
): The input data as a collection of named arrays. If object-valued, the objects keys are column names and the values are arrays or typed arrays. If array-valued, the data should consist of [name, array] pairs in the style of Object.entries
): Options for building new tables and controlling how values are transformed when extracted from an Arrow binary representation.
): An object mapping column names to data types.number
): The maximum number of rows to include in a single record batch. If the array lengths exceed this number, the resulting table will consist of multiple record batches.import { tableFromArrays } from '@uwdata/flechette';
// create table with inferred types
const table = tableFromArrays({
ints: [1, 2, null, 4, 5],
floats: [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5],
bools: [true, true, null, false, true],
strings: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'a']
import {
bool, dictionary, float32, int32, tableFromArrays, tableToIPC, utf8
} from '@uwdata/flechette';
// create table with specified types
const table = tableFromArrays({
ints: [1, 2, null, 4, 5],
floats: [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5],
bools: [true, true, null, false, true],
strings: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'b', 'a']
}, {
types: {
ints: int32(),
floats: float32(),
bools: bool(),
strings: dictionary(utf8())
# columnFromArray(array[, type, options])
Create a new column from a provided data array. The data types for the column can be automatically inferred or specified using the type argument.
Array | TypedArray
): The input data as an Array or TypedArray.DataType
): The data type for the column. If not specified, type inference is attempted.object
): Options for building new columns and controlling how values are transformed when extracted from an Arrow binary representation.
): The maximum number of rows to include in a single record batch. If the array length exceeds this number, the resulting column will consist of multiple record batches.import { columnFromArray, float32, int64 } from '@uwdata/flechette';
// create column with inferred type (here, float64)
columnFromArray([1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5]);
// create column with specified type
columnFromArray([1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5], float32());
// create column with specified type and options
[1n, 32n, 2n << 34n], int64(),
{ maxBatchRows: 1000, useBigInt: true }
# columnFromValues(values[, type, options])
Create a new column by iterating over provided values. The values argument can either be an iterable collection or a visitor function that applies a callback to successive data values (akin to Array.forEach
). The data types for the column can be automatically inferred or specified using the type argument.
Iterable | (callback: (value: any) => void) => void
): An iterable object or a visitor function that applies a callback to successive data values (akin to Array.forEach
). In most cases, providing a visitor function will be more efficient than an iterator, so is recommended for larger datasets.DataType
): The data type for the column. If not specified, type inference is attempted.object
): Options for building new columns and controlling how values are transformed when extracted from an Arrow binary representation.
): The maximum number of rows to include in a single record batch. If the number of values exceeds this number, the resulting column will consist of multiple record batches.import { columnFromValues, float32, int64 } from '@uwdata/flechette';
// an iterable set of values
const set = new Set([1.1, 1.1, 2.2, 3.4]);
// create column with inferred type (here, float64)
// create column with specified type
columnFromValues(set, float32());
// create column using only values with odd-numbered indices
const values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
columnFromValues(callback => {
values.forEach((v, i) => { if (i % 2) callback(v); })
# tableFromColumns(columns[, useProxy])
Create a new table from a collection of columns. This method is useful for creating new tables using one or more pre-existing column instances. Otherwise, tableFromArrays
should be preferred. Input columns are assumed to have the same record batch sizes.
object | array
): The input columns as an object with name keys, or an array of [name, column] pairs.boolean
): Flag indicating if row proxy objects should be used to represent table rows (default false
). Typically this should match the value of the useProxy
extraction option used for column generation.import { columnFromArray, tableFromColumns } from '@uwdata/flechette';
// create table from columns with inferred types (here, bool and float64)
const table = tableFromColumns({
bools: columnFromArray([true, true, null, false, true]),
floats: columnFromArray([1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5])