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What is Mosaic?

Mosaic is a framework for linking data visualizations, tables, input widgets, and other data-driven components, while leveraging a database for scalable processing. With Mosaic, you can interactively visualize and explore millions and even billions of data points.

A key idea is that interface components – Mosaic clients – publish their data needs as queries that are managed by a central coordinator. The coordinator may further optimize queries before issuing them to a backing data source such as DuckDB.

Linked Interactions

Mosaic supports interaction across clients through reactive variables: params and selections. Params represent single values that may be shared across components. When a param updates, clients that subscribe to that param will update in turn.

As in the normalized stocks example below, params can be used in SQL expressions to create truly dynamic queries, with recalculation pushed to the database. Upon each update, data is queried from a backing DuckDB instance—here running directly in the browser via WebAssembly. Move the cursor to see the return on investment if one had invested on a specific day.

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Selections, on the other hand, represent filter criteria, just like a SQL WHERE clause. A single Mosaic selection may combine predicates provided by a variety of diverse clients. Mosaic selections can also synthesize ("resolve") different criteria for different clients, enabling complex coordination behaviors such as cross-filtering.

Below is an interactive dashboard of Seattle weather data. Drag in the top scatter plot to update a selection that filters the bar chart below. Click (or shift-click) either the color legend or the bar chart to populate a second selection that filters the scatter plot.

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Queries & Optimization

Consider some time-series data with 50,000 sample points, visualized as an area chart. Drag along the top overview chart to filter and zoom the focus chart below.

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Interaction with the top chart populates a Mosaic selection with the queried data range. Mosaic's coordinator manages access to the database, handles selection updates, and also caches results. But there's more: we don't need to draw all 50,000 points! After all, the chart itself is less than 700 pixels wide. vgplot, a Mosaic-based grammar of graphics, includes area and line marks that automatically apply optimizations to reduce the data to only a few sample points per-pixel, while preserving a perceptually faithful visualization.

Next let's visualize over 200,000 flight records. The first histogram shows flight arrival delays, the second shows hour of departure. Selecting intervals in one chart will cross-filter the other. Try selecting highly delayed flights. Note how much more likely they are to leave later in the day.

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When the selection changes we need to filter the data and recount the number of records in each bin. The Mosaic coordinator analyzes these queries and automatically optimizes updates by building indexes of pre-aggregated data ("data cubes") in the database, binned at the level of input pixels for the currently active view.

While 200,000 points will stress many web-based visualization tools, Mosaic doesn't break a sweat. Now go ahead and try this with 10 million records!

Putting the Pieces Together

The Mosaic project consists of a suite of packages.

Application-Level Packages

  • vgplot: A visualization grammar for building interactive Mosaic-powered visualizations and dashboards. This package provides an integrated API with convenient, composable methods that combine multiple Mosaic packages (core, inputs, plot, etc.). This API re-exports much of the mosaic-core, mosaic-sql, mosaic-plot, and mosaic-inputs packages, enabling use in a stand-alone fashion.
  • mosaic-spec: Declarative specification of Mosaic-powered applications as JSON or YAML files. This package provides a parser and code generation framework for reading specifications in a JSON format and generating live Mosaic visualizations and dashboards using the vgplot API.
  • duckdb-server: A Python-based server that runs a local DuckDB instance and supports queries over Web Sockets or HTTP, returning data in Apache Arrow or JSON format.
  • mosaic-widget: A Jupyter widget for Mosaic that renders vgplot specifications in Jupyter notebook cells, with data processing by DuckDB in the Python kernel.

Core Packages

  • mosaic-core: The core Mosaic components. A central coordinator, parameters, and selections for linking values or query predicates (respectively) across Mosaic clients. The Mosaic coordinator can send queries over the network to a backing server (socket and rest connectors) or to a client-side DuckDB-WASM instance (wasm connector). The binary Apache Arrow format is used for efficient data transfer.
  • mosaic-sql: An API for convenient construction and analysis of SQL queries. Includes support for aggregate functions, window functions, and arbitrary expressions with dynamic parameters. Query objects coerce to SQL query strings.
  • mosaic-inputs: Data-driven input components such as menus, text search boxes, and sortable, load-on-scroll data tables.
  • mosaic-plot: An interactive grammar of graphics in which marks (plot layers) serve as individual Mosaic clients. Marks can push data processing (binning, filtering, aggregation, regression, ...) to the database and apply mark-specific optimizations (such as M4 for line/area charts). Once data and parameters are marshalled, Observable Plot is used to render SVG output. This package also provides interactors for linked selection, filtering, and highlighting using Mosaic Params and Selections.


For convenience, the vgplot package re-exports much of the mosaic-core, mosaic-sql, mosaic-plot, and mosaic-inputs packages. For most applications, it is sufficient to either import @uwdata/vgplot alone or in conjunction with @uwdata/mosaic-spec.

An Active Research Project

Mosaic is an active research project from the UW Interactive Data Lab, in collaboration with the CMU Data Interaction Group. We are interested in unifying advances in scalable visualization methods with languages for interactive visualization. This is an exciting area with a number of open challenges! For more, read the TVCG'24 Mosaic research paper.

There will inevitably be some shortcomings, bugs, and documentation gaps. We do not yet consider Mosaic "production-ready", but believe that Mosaic (or something like it) is a valuable next step for interactive data systems. If you're interested in contributing, please see our GitHub repository.


Mosaic builds on code and ideas from a number of open source efforts, including DuckDB, Apache Arrow, anywidget, Falcon, Vega-Lite, and Observable Plot. Thanks!