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Mosaic Inputs

Inspired by Observable Inputs, the Mosaic inputs package includes a set of input widgets and a table viewer. Each input widget is a Mosaic client that uses params or selections for linked interactions.

This example dashboard of Olympic athlete statistics uses menu and search inputs to filter the display, including the scrollable and sortable table below. The contents of the menus and the autocomplete options for the search box are populated from the backing database. Each of these widgets then populate a shared selection.

Loading Example...

Scroll the table to load more data on demand.
Click a column header to sort, or command-click to clear sort criteria.

The menu, search, and slider inputs support dual modes of operation: they can be manually configured or they can be backed by a database table. The menu and search components query for distinct column values, and use those to populate the menu or autocomplete options, respectively. If a backing table and column are specified, the slider queries for the minimum and maximum column values to parameterize the slider.

This snippet defines the menus and search box in the example above:

import { hconcat, menu, search, Selection } from "@uwdata/vgplot";
const query = Selection.intersect();
  menu({ label: "Sport", as: query, from: "athletes", column: "sport" }),
  menu({ label: "Sex", as: query, from: "athletes", column: "sex" }),
  search({ label: "Name", as: query, from: "athletes", column: "name", type: "contains" })

All input widgets can write updates to a provided param or selection. Param values are updated to match the input value. Selections are provided a predicate clause. This linking can be bidirectional: an input component will also subscribe to a param and track its value updates. Two-way linking is also supported for selections using single resolution, where there is no ambiguity regarding the value.


The table component provides a sortable, scrollable table grid view. If backing columns are specified, the table first requests metadata for those columns. If no explicit columns are listed, the component will instead request all backing table columns. The returned metadata is used to populate the table header and guide formatting and alignment.

This snippet shows how the table is defined in the example above. In this case, explicit column names and column pixel widths are provided.

import { table } from "@uwdata/vgplot";
  from: "athletes",
  filterBy: query,
  columns: [ "name", "nationality", "sex", "height", "weight" ,"sport" ],
  width: { "name": 180, "nationality": 100, "sex": 50, "height": 50, "weight": 50, "sport": 100 },
  height: 250

To avoid overwhelming the browser, the table query method requests rows in batches using SQL LIMIT and OFFSET clauses. As a user scrolls the table view, the component requests the next data batch with the proper offset.

Table components are sortable: clicking a column header toggles ascending and descending order. When sort criteria change, the current data is dropped and a request is made to fetch a sorted data batch. As a user scrolls, these sort criteria persist.

If provided, a filterBy Selection is used to filter table content.

Table API Reference