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Mosaic DuckDB

The Mosaic duckdb package provides facilities for running DuckDB from Node.js and handling query requests over a network connection.


This package runs a server-side DuckDB instance in Node.js. If instead you want to connect to DuckDB-WASM in a browser, skip this package and look at the WASM connector provided by the mosaic-core package.


DuckDB can also connect to and query other databases, such as PostgreSQL and MySQL. See the multi-database support page for examples.


The DuckDB class is a Promise-based Node.js API for interfacing with DuckDB, providing a convenient way to launch a server-side DuckDB instance. As illustrated in the snippet below, DuckDB queries can return either JavaScript objects or Apache Arrow buffers.

import { DuckDB } from "@uwdata/mosaic-duckdb";

// create an in-memory DuckDB instance
// to open a database file, pass the path as the first argument
const db = new DuckDB();

// execute a query without a returned result, await completion
await db.exec(`CREATE TABLE myTable AS SELECT * FROM 'my-data.parquet'`);

// query for data, return as an array of JavaScript objects
const res = await db.query(`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable`);

// query for data, return as a binary Apache Arrow buffer
const buf = await db.arrowBuffer(`SELECT AVG(value) FROM myTable`);

// shut down the DuckDB instance

Unless provided with an explicit web URL (http://...), queries that load files (e.g., CSV, JSON, or Parquet) will do so relative to the current working directory.

DuckDB API Reference

Data Server

The data server provides network access to a server-side DuckDB instance. Both WebSocket (socket) and HTTP (rest) connections are supported. The following snippet launches a data server in Node.js:

import { DuckDB, dataServer } from "@uwdata/mosaic-duckdb";
dataServer(new DuckDB(), { rest: true, socket: true });

By default the server listens to port 3000. If the coordinator sends a request to persist a result, the data server will cache the results to the local filesystem. The default cache folder is .mosaic/cache, relative to the current working directory.

Data Server API Reference